Tag: Financial Times
Should emotional intelligence tests be used for hiring candidates?
22nd September
Today’s Financial Times features a piece on the use of emotional intelligence tests in hiring candidates. You can read the piece on the FT’s website; however, the website requires registration (which is free).
All of the reputable studies that I have encountered suggest that emotional intelligence tests should be used with great care – and only in conjunction with cognitive tests, business case tests and capability-based interviews.
Anyway, I … Read more
Want to be taken more seriously?
10th June
In today’s Financial Times, a columnist asked me and other experts to advise readers on being taken more seriously at work. You can read the piece on the FT’s website; however, the website requires registration (which is free), so I have also scanned the entire article.
I have also reproduced the text below if you would prefer to read it that way too:
Do you have enough real friends at work?
28th December
In a recent edition of the Financial Times, a columnist asked several experts (including me) for our thoughts on friendships in the workplace. You can read it on the FT’s website; however, as the FT’s site requires registration (which is free), I have also copied and pasted the article for you to read too.
The careerist: Friendship in the workplaceBy Rhymer Rigby
Friends make working life far … Read more
What should you do if you don’t think your boss is right?
10th September
In today’s Financial Times, a columnist asked several experts (including me) for opinions on handling a boss who asks you to do a piece of work you disagree with. You can read it on the FT’s website; however, as their site requires registration (which is free), I have also copied and pasted the article below.
The careerist: Dubious projectsBy Rhymer Rigby
Sometimes we are told to execute … Read more
The tricky business of being asked (and asking for) favours
7th May
In today’s Financial Times, a journalist asked me and other experts for thoughts on doing favours for colleagues and how to ask for favours. You can read it on the FT’s website; however, as their site may require registration (which is free), I have also copied and pasted the article below.
The careerist: Doing favours for colleaguesBy Rhymer Rigby
“Ask for things that are easy to fulfil,” … Read more